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RP Mystic’s Guide to Gemini Season

Lifestyle photo of the "Signs & Skymates" suite. All three products are laid above cards from the "Signs & Skymates Astrological Compatibility Deck"

Gemini Season usually occurs between May 21 and June 20 and corresponds to the 3rd zodiac sign of the year. During Gemini season, we’re invited to embrace curiosity, fluidity, and expansiveness. In her book, Signs & Skymates: The Ultimate Guide to Astrological Compatibility, author Dossé-Via Trenou writes of this zodiac sign: “They are as curious as untamed children, asking anything and everything, either out loud or in their minds…Geminis want to feel free to choose what they want, when they want, how they want. They’ll give themselves that freedom, time and time again.”

Here, we’ve gathered enchanting correspondences and a playful ritual to meaningfully embrace Gemini Season.

The Astrology of Gemini

Photo of "Signs & Skymates Astrological Compatibility Deck" laid above face-up cards from the deck

Since every zodiac season presents an opportunity to dive deep within yourself, let’s start by going over the basic aspects of Gemini from Dossé-Via Trenou’s Signs & Skymates: Astrological Compatability Deck.

Planetary Ruler: Mercury, the Planet of Communication

“Ruled by Mercury, the Planet of Communication, Gemini has an acute awareness of the powers of the human mind. While it’s true that their minds are usually running, I see Gemini as the sign that can teach us the most about meditation…since Gemini has learned to become so comfortable with their mind’s constant stream of thoughts, it means they’ve also found an internal or subconscious way to be comfortable letting thoughts go, whether they know it or not.”

Motto: I’m nothing and everything at once.

Photo of the Mystic Mondays: The Astro Alignment Deck box and guidebook laying above cards from the deck.

Modalities and elements help us understand each sign’s behavioral energy and temperament. Gemini is known for having mutable air-sign energy. To understand what these aspects mean for Gemini season, we turn to Grace Duong’s new Mystic Mondays: The Astro Alignment Deck and Guidebook.

Gemini is a Mutable Sign

Versatile, Flexibility, Adaptability

Within each season, we move through three modalities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. Gemini has Mutable energy, meaning they shift to suit their environment, ready to understand multiple perspectives through information. Transitioning from the end of spring to the beginning of summer, Mutable signs need choice, variety, and time to process information.

Gemini is an Air Sign

Expansive, Intellectual, Inquisitive

All four elements—Fire, Water, Air, and Earth—are represented in each modality. “The element can indicate the temperament and nature of the person with that sign and inform on what other zodiac signs they get along with best,” explains Grace Duong in the Astro Alignment guidebook.

The element of Air is represented in Gemini. Air signs are intellectuals at heart, relying on rationality and logic. “Air signs can see objectively because they are able to detach emotions from facts, evaluating the truth of the situation. However, to unite the collective, they will need to learn how to identify with their emotions and treat them as valuable information and a means to connect with others.”

Explore the Tarot Card for Gemini

All zodiac signs are ruled by a tarot card from the Major Arcana. The Lovers card is associated with Gemini season. Let’s explore the meaning of this card with Queer Tarot: An Inclusive Deck and Guidebook created by Ash + Chess.

The Lovers card from "Queer Tarot"

The Lovers, VI


The Lovers card has many sides to it, like a beautiful and complicated prism in the sunlight, refracting every color known to the human eye in every direction possible. First and foremost, the Lovers encourage us to follow our hearts, no matter the situation. Only you know deep down what is important to you when it comes to matters of the heart. This card can represent a very solid relationship, or one that is to come, either romantic or platonic. And that can be the best feeling in the world! If this speaks to you, bask in these loving and desire-filled moments and enjoy every second. The Lovers can also bring to light that a choice must be made in order to advance in the next step in or out of a relationship. Consider your happiness for a moment. Is this the right path for you? Are you fulfilled? Are you settling? What are your true feelings? Dig deep to find these answers within yourself, and even if they are hard to face, they may tell you the next right move on your part. Also consider red flags instead of taking the easy way out and ignoring them.

And remember, queer relationships aren’t hetero relationships, in the sense that queer relationships are like a next-level experience, with the added elements of an extreme understanding of hardships and evolved ways of thinking about and accepting one another’s bodies, identities, desires, and needs. Don’t be afraid of what other people think when it comes to whom and how you love.

REVERSE: When the Lovers appear in reverse, it’s a signal that you’re not in alignment with your heart and true desires. This might manifest as bad feelings about your relationship with your family, friends, or partner(s). Reflect on your happiness and try to hone in on what is causing you this disharmony.

THINGS TO CONSIDER: What is the next step for you and your partner(s)? How do you really feel—what is your heart trying to tell you? If you are in a new relationship, enjoy these beginning and new moments together as they could make it or break it.

Tap Into Essential Oils For Gemini Season

Lean into the sensory experience of Gemini season by supplementing your self-care rituals with the essential oils that are most beneficial during Gemini season. These recommendations are courtesy of Cerridwen Greenleaf’s Essential Oils: A Little Introduction to Their Uses and Health Benefits.

[Note: No matter how delightfully scented, please remember that you should never ingest any of these oils. Be careful when working with essential oils; use them in conjunction with carrier or base oils so that they do not irritate your skin. Even when oils are diluted, we suggest that you wear clean cotton gloves when preparing them and do not get the oils in your eyes.]

Photo of "Essential Oils" standing on a short log surrounded by mushrooms and flowers

Bergamot: With roots traced to Southeast Asia, Bergamot is known for having a spicy and floral scent. Considered “liquid sunshine,” use it in aromatherapy to lift your mood and alleviate stress.

Peppermint: Logic-driven Geminis are prone to headaches, stress, and tension. Considered one of the world’s oldest medicines, peppermint has many healing properties.

Dill: Since Geminis are always in their heads, sometimes it’s important to quiet the nerves and anxiety. Dill oil is a fresh and bright oil that does the trick.

Lemongrass: Lemongrass has long been used to repel negative energies with its sharp and bright citrus scent, which also can uplift you when you’re feeling down. We love this calming and balancing essential oil for diffusing or mixing in a room spray.

Harness The Power of Crystals for Gemini Season

Gemini season can have a lot of us stuck in our thoughts. Here, we’ve selected four crystals that can provide grounding, fresh perspective, balance, strength, and self-love. These crystals are courtesy of The Crystal Grid Deck: An 80-Card Deck to Charge Your Intentions by Mystic Mondays creator Grace Duong.

The Agate card from "Mystic Mondays: The Crystal Grid Deck"

Agate: Stability, Grounding, Truth

A stabilizing stone, Agate is used to balance the mind, body, and spirit, creating harmony in all areas of your life—much like the patterns on the crystal itself. Grounding and supportive, Agate helps to reveal inner truths, cleansing beneath the surface to expose your authentic self. A wonderful stone to heal resentment, Agate frees you from the self-imprisonment of inner anger, replacing it with safety and security. Agate takes its time, vibrating at a slow and steady pace, and encourages you to take as much time as you need for the matter at hand.

The Snakeskin Agate card from "Mystic Mondays: The Crystal Grid Deck"

Snakeskin Agate: Strength, Privacy, Self-Love

Being comfortable in your own skin takes time, and Snakeskin Agate helps boost self-esteem and self-awareness so you can do just that. Snakeskin Agate gives you the confidence to step outside your comfort zone and explore new aspects of yourself, all within your discretion. Snakeskin Agate can blend in with the crowd, so if you don’t want to be seen and wish to carry on your activities in peace, this is the stone for you. Snakeskin Agate is able to facilitate a kundalini rising and encourages the full embodiment of self.

The Blue Spinel card from "Mystic Mondays: The Crystal Grid Deck"

Blue Spinel: Persistence, Fresh Perspective, Revival

Revive to keep alive! Blue Spinel brings new energy to stagnant parts of your life, from inside your body to the world outside. The name of this stone comes from the Latin word for spine, and Blue Spinel will give you a strong backbone, sense of self, and reason to stand tall despite any challenges you may face. This is a great crystal for workaholics, as it eases stress and anxiety and instills a renewed sense of resolution—you can make it to the end if you put your mind to it! Blue Spinel provides that fresh perspective to reset and “rejuice.”

The Watermelon Tourmaline card from "Mystic Mondays: The Crystal Grid Deck"

Watermelon Tourmaline: Love, Balance, Clarity

Relationships are the currency of life, and Watermelon Tourmaline raises awareness of soul agreements and your impact on other people’s lives. This crystal is supercharged to activate the heart chakra, creating a divine connection between you and your higher self. Like the watermelon, it teaches you to enjoy the sweetness of life, remembering good things often take time to ripen. Watermelon Tourmaline balances masculine and feminine energies, connecting your heart chakra to both the physical and spiritual aspects of yourself.

A Ritual for Gemini Season

Embrace the childlike curiosity of Gemini season with a meditation on dragons. The Great Dragon Parade is a Polish ritual celebrating the defeat of the Wawel Dragon in Kraków. Nikki Van De Car describes this celebration in her latest book, Ritual: Magical Celebrations of Nature and Community from Around the World.

Great Dragon Parade

Photo of "Ritual" standing among flowers and crystals

Kraków was founded by Krakus, a legendary Polish hero—or antihero, depending on which version you read. Near the Vistula River dwelled the Wawel Dragon, a creature that required weekly offerings of cattle, lest it steal the village maidens instead. A cobbler named Krak came up with a Trojan horse idea—he stuffed a sheep full of sulfur and mustard seeds and left it outside the dragon’s cave. When the dragon ate the sheep, he roared in pain and rushed to the river. He drank so much he drained the Vistula dry—at which point he exploded. Krak was crowned a hero and became King Krakus. He then built Wawel Castle over the dragon’s cave.

Older versions of the tale say that Krakus and his brother Lech killed the dragon together, after which Krakus killed his brother so he could rule alone—the cobbler-turned-king is a more modern take, albeit a much happier one.

Wawel Castle still stands on Wawel Hill, and next to it is Wawel Cathedral. At the entrance to the cathedral are bones from the Pleistocene epoch, once believed to have been those of the Wawel Dragon. The bones hang on a chain, and it’s believed that as long as they hang there, the world will carry on.

In 1969, artist Bronislaw Chromy built a sculpture of the Wawel Dragon. It stands outside the cathedral and is complete with natural gas fire that it breathes at passersby. Every year, residents of Kraków celebrate the defeat of the Wawel Dragon. Children from all over Poland create dragon sculptures and march in a parade of handmade dragons, following larger sculptures that can be seventy-five feet long and forty-five feet high—plenty big enough to swallow an entire river.


  • Make a dragon sculpture of your own!
  • Perhaps organize a small parade of friends and family, each with their own dragon sculptures.
  • Look up stories of dragons in your area—just about every culture on earth has them. Maybe you’ve been dwelling among dragons, too.

Dive Deeper

Dosse-Via Trenou, author of Signs & Skymates

Dossé-Via Trenou

About the Author

Dossé-Via Trenou is a West African astrologer who has been studying the field since she was ten years old. She has attracted hundreds of thousands of followers via her platform @ScorpioMystique and on the app, KnowTheZodiac. She graduated with her Master’s degree in English Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. She is a professional model, actor, and creator of Magic & Melanin, a travel agency providing immersive experiences for humans of African descent to know, explore, and invest in the Motherland. She is the author of Signs & Skymates, and this is her first book for young readers.

Catmouse James is a cartoonist and illustrator based in Madagascar with experience in graphic design. When she isn’t working, she likes petting her dogs Pluton and Bowie, traveling, discovering hidden gems in animation, and reading.

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Grace Duong

About the Author

Grace Duong is a multidisciplinary artist, author, and entrepreneur at the intersection of art, tech and metaphysics. She is the creator of Mystic Mondays and the bestselling Mystic Mondays Tarot Deck. Grace lives in Philadelphia. She can be found on Instagram here.

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Photo of author Ashley Molesso

Ashley Molesso

About the Author

Ash + Chess is a stationery & gift company run by queer and trans couple Ashley Molesso (she/her) and Chess Needham (he/him), based in Upstate New York. They create greeting cards, art prints, and more in bold, retro color palettes, often using their artwork to uplift the queer community. Their company made its debut at the National Stationery Show in May 2017, and since then over 700+ retailers throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia sell their art and stationery. In the short time they’ve been in business, Ash + Chess have worked on many collaborations including artwork for Target, Smartfood, Skittles, Nooworks, Belletrist, Plaza Style, Brooklyn Roasting Co., Transfigure Print Co., HarperCollins, Workman Publishing, Running Press Studio, Macy’s STORY, and more. They are the authors of multiple publications, including: The Gay Agenda: A Modern Queer History & Handbook (Morrow Gift) 2020; Queer Tarot: An Inclusive Deck and Guidebook  (RP Studio) 2022; My Queer Year Guided Journal (RP Studio) 2022; ABC-Deconstructing Gender (RP Kids) 2023, The Big Book of Queer Stickers (RP Studio) 2023, and Just Like My Family (forthcoming, RP Kids) 2024.

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Photo of author Chess Needham

Chess Needham

About the Author

Ash + Chess is a stationery & gift company run by queer and trans couple Ashley Molesso (she/her) and Chess Needham (he/him), based in Upstate New York. They create greeting cards, art prints, and more in bold, retro color palettes, often using their artwork to uplift the queer community. Their company made its debut at the National Stationery Show in May 2017, and since then over 700+ retailers throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia sell their art and stationery. In the short time they’ve been in business, Ash + Chess have worked on many collaborations including artwork for Target, Smartfood, Skittles, Nooworks, Belletrist, Plaza Style, Brooklyn Roasting Co., Transfigure Print Co., HarperCollins, Workman Publishing, Running Press Studio, Macy’s STORY, and more. They are the authors of multiple publications, including: The Gay Agenda: A Modern Queer History & Handbook (Morrow Gift) 2020; Queer Tarot: An Inclusive Deck and Guidebook  (RP Studio) 2022; My Queer Year Guided Journal (RP Studio) 2022; ABC-Deconstructing Gender (RP Kids) 2023, The Big Book of Queer Stickers (RP Studio) 2023, and Just Like My Family (forthcoming, RP Kids) 2024.

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Cerridwen Greenleaf

About the Author

Cerridwen Greenleaf has worked with many of the leading lights of the spirituality world including Starhawk, Z Budapest, John Michael Greer, Christopher Penczak, Raymond Buckland, Luisah Teish, and many more. She teaches herbal, crystal, and candle magic workshops throughout North America. A bestselling author, Greenleaf's books include The Practical Witch's Love Spell BookThe Practical Witch's Spell Book, Moon Spell Magic, The Book of Kitchen Witchery, The Magic of Crystals and Gems, and the Witches' Spell Book series. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. 

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Nikki Van De Car

About the Author

Nikki Van De Car is a blogger, mother, writer, crafter, and lover of all things mystical. She is the author of ten books on magic and crafting, including Practical Magic and The Junior Witch’s Handbook, and the founder of two popular knitting blogs. Nikki lives with her family in Hawaii.

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