The Magic and Meaning Behind Your Birth Day

You may know your Western zodiac sign—maybe you even know your whole zodiac chart!—but do you know the magic and meaning of the exact day you were born? Jessica Adams, along with Sunday Times bestselling author Rachel Wells, provide a global exploration of birthdays, drawing on Tarot, Western Astrology, Eastern Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Numerology, and more for all 365 days of the year in their book Your Birthday: Unlock the Power of the Day You Were Born with Astrology, Tarot, and More.
To give you a sample of the deeper meaning you can find behind your birthday, we’ve pulled an excerpt for December 18—the day this blog post was published. Read on for a full analysis of the power and personality behind people born on December 18, and unlock a deeper understanding of your own birthday and those of your friends and family with Your Birthday.
December 18th
Who Are You?
You are the escape artist you’ve read about in astrology books. You are a natural migrant and may relocate more than once to get away from situations that have passed their use-by date. Because of this, Sagittarius, you also sympathize with anybody who is a spiritual refugee. The real heart of you is tied to the mother-child relationship, though. This may be you and your own mom or your fervent hopes and wishes for the future regarding your own or other people’s children. Cancer, the sign of maternal bonds, rules all that is priceless.
Your Destiny
You are governed by Jupiter, the planet which symbolizes the big picture. The eagle is his bird, soaring far and wide seeking opportunity. Jupiter is also associated with thunder and the relief and release of dramatic turning points. All this adds up in your life and your chart, because you are the person who has faith in new horizons, new adventures, new locations. You may relocate more than once, as you’ve read, or even find a completely new country to relaunch yourself in. You understand others who are also migrants and explorers.
The Hive Mind and Your Mind
You think in terms of groups and hive minds, as Aquarius, the sign ruling circles and networks, is in charge of your ideas and communication. Knowing how people are when they are all clustered together in one community is extremely useful. It makes you a brilliant strategist who is always one step ahead of any collective you believe could complicate life. Reading the hive mind is one way of putting it. Your intuition and naturally astute thinking will repeatedly save the day from your adolescence into old age.
The Comfort of Money
Cancer is the zodiac sign which not only rules everything which is so precious it is priceless; it also rules your values. The comfort of money is emotional for you, and economists and accountants may never understand what it means to you. Tremendous security comes when you hold enough and have enough to offer the luxury of choosing: How to invest or save? How to donate or lend?
How to Cut Deals
You are ruled by fortunate Jupiter, the planet of abundance, and will repeatedly have solid gold assets as your comforter.
Who Shares Your Birthday?
- Steven Spielberg, born December 18, 1946
- Brad Pitt, born December 18, 1963
- Billie Eilish, born December 18, 2001
Your Egyptian Sign
Egyptian astrology dates back to 400 BCE. The Alexandrian Egyptian astrologer Ptolemy is the founding father of this system of signs. The Egyptians used Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Mercury, and Venus—all visible with the naked eye—to predict the future. The circular zodiac of Dendera in the Louvre illustrates this system with the familiar signs of Leo the Lion and Taurus the Bull.
What’s different about the Egyptian zodiac is that they split each sign from the better-known traditional Western astrology into three sections or decans based on ten degrees of each sign’s path. The word decan comes from the Greek deka which means “ten.” There are three kinds of Aries, three kinds of Taurus, three kinds of Gemini, and so on. This is your Egyptian sign.
Sagittarius, Third Decan
You have the Sun at 20-29 Sagittarius and were usually born from December 13 to 21. Hope for the future is your great saving grace. You are an explorer, escape artist and adventurer whose next big trip or move is just a high hope away. In fact, Sagittarius, this is how you deal with relationships which no longer work in your life. You have the sign of conflict, Aries, in charge of your bedroom and also your courtship, along with your connection to the world of children and young adults. This makes for a life full of pretty decisive endings and yet this is the key that turns your lock, to the door marked Freedom. There is always something bigger and better waiting on the other side but you have to be ready to make the lead. Doing so may involve packing your bags, but leaving all other baggage behind, Sagittarius. This is a recurring pattern with you, with one exception. Sometimes you are hopeful enough to actually recycle who or what did not work out and bring it back to life. Then, these people can go with you. “The Wide Open Road” by The Triffids is your theme song.
Famous Sagittarius Third Decan: Taylor Swift
Your Birthday Tarot for 2025
The insights provided by Tarot cards can help you orient yourself for the year with a birthday reading. If you would like to give yourself a birthday Tarot reading, there are two popular spreads which can reveal the next twelve months. A really simple way to forecast the coming year is just to draw one card to ask: What is the main story in my life until my next birthday? You can also draw three cards for past, present, and future based on your last birthday year, your birthday today, and your next birthday year. Then use the following guide to the Smith-Waite cards to find out what is in store for you.
Your Birthday Tarot for 2025 is: Strength (VIII)
Quick Look
This card points to help and healing—perhaps a dentist, surgeon, or doctor. A therapeutic presence might also be a sympathetic nurse figure or a Reiki practitioner. However, there is a dual message. It takes strength to overcome the fear of who or what intimidates you and to offer help. Strong people also know when to show vulnerability or inner strength.
The card shows absolute trust. The lion could maul the healer. The healer could hurt the lion. Instead something miraculous is occurring. This is a two-way street. There has to be deep tolerance and understanding on both sides if relief and release are to arrive.
This is a very encouraging card to see if you are about to have surgery or dentistry. It means the right person for the job is at hand. If you are in the medical or healing profession, you just know that your next patient is going to be more than just another customer. There will be a profound interchange here, and you may effect a transformation. You certainly won’t be forgotten. There is always the risk of the “ouch” with this card, though! Both must be aware of it. Rather like a vet taking a thorn out of a cat’s paw, it can hurt and there has to be great, great care.
Therapy is associated with this card, and people may find it’s about a psychological process with a counselor, for example. If there are issues with fertility, IVF, or virility, then Strength is a sure sign that some of Marvin Gaye’s “Sexual Healing” might be on the way or perhaps a way through struggles with parenting. As the rather angelic creature offering help does not seem to belong to this realm, Strength is also associated with spiritual healing.
Astrology & Strength
Leo the Lion is front and center here. The Sixth House, which rules doctors, nurses, surgeons, dentists, and healers, may also tie in with Strength. The word itself is a Virgo and Sixth House concept—getting your strength back after surgery or an illness, for example. The healing here may also be for depression or anxiety. Perhaps there are other mental health issues. Strength is about a heart surgeon or a psychiatrist, a hypnotherapist or an acupuncturist. Leo is about leadership, particularly of the young, and if you have Leo planets, asteroids, points, or angles in trouble (you are going through difficult aspects to these), then Strength may turn up to guide you through this transit. Good astrology can show you when the transit will end and the ailing lion within can return to full strength.
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